By Theresa Blume
I asked God how I could best serve Him and fulfill my purpose, and the answer that I got was to just be myself. What does that mean? Just be who you are. Don't try to be somebody else. Don't be jealous of anyone else. Be yourself. But be all of you, totally you, completely you, the best you-you can be!
God created me exactly as He wanted me to be. My body is not shaped like yours, my face does not have your features, my desires are not your desires, my talents are not your talents. God likes individuals. You can tell that by looking at everything He created.
But somebody decided women should be skinny, have long blond hair, big blue eyes, have straight teeth, etc. I'm sure that's not everybodys definition of beautiful, but it seems everybody has a definition of beautiful. And most women don't like themselves because they don't look like the current definition.
It's not to say we shouldn't try to look good or wear nice clothes. The woman in Proverbs 31 made sure to take care of herself and look good and made her family look good. But she didn't need plastic surgery or fake eyelashes to look beautiful in God's eyes. That was a human idea of beautiful.
It seems to be a childish trait inside to want to look like somebody else. Kids dress up like their favorite singer or someone else who has had a strong impression on them. They enjoy trying on different identities, like super heroes, princesses, etc. But when we grow up, we still want to imitate someone-the next door neighbors, the successful co-worker or boss, and sometimes our favorite singer.
It's still in us to want to have someone to look up to. But we misunderstood our instinct that God gave us. It is God we are suppose to look like. We are supposed to strive for the QUALITIES of God, but because we are visual, we think we have to imitate something we can see. If you look carefully, you CAN see the qualities of God-kindness, righteousness, love, charitable, strong-minded, balanced, patient, grateful and joyful and peaceful.
The best you is not looking like someone else, or acting like someone else, or wearing clothes that don't define the real you. It's hard to be you in a world that is always trying to make you someone else. The first step is acceptance of yourself. Then go on and learn to actually love yourself-every part of you! After that, all you have to do is shine. Then you will truly see God's glory!
1 Corinthians 11:1 "Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ."
You have given me a new perspective for when I critically look at myself in the mirror. As I get older I see more and more things I do not like about me.....wrinkles,weight,gray hair. I am fighting them all so I can be,not really an imitation of someone else, but the younger, more attractive version of me. Yes, I enjoy looking pretty, but that is just the wrapping on the whole package. Your "exhortation" is a reminder that it is "what is inside the package" that counts.