Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Do You Really Believe?

By Theresa Blume

Probably 90% of the people I know would say they believe in God.  Many of them are regular church-goers and profess to be a certain religion.  But I often wonder if people REALLY believe in God. 

We can't even begin to imagine who and what God is.  Some people think of Him as a friend, and some think of Him only when they are in church.  But we have to be careful because He is not like the friend who joins in the fun, watches movies with you, likes the latest fashions, laughs at sad jokes or listens to gossip.  This is the same God who commanded the entire human race to be wiped out in the flood except for a righteous man and his family.  The same God who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for their ungodly behavior.  God does not "mellow" with age or become forgetful.  He knows every word that you utter, every action you take, and every action you have not taken. 

In my understanding, there are those who are guaranteed to enter heaven; those who know the Way through Jesus Christ.  But just because you carry the family name does not mean you will be the favored child.  I think we will have to account for our behavior in some way, and I don't want to wait to find out how. 

I know that God loves animals without a doubt because He saved them from the flood.  I know He loves the flowers and birds and grass and trees by the beauty and effort and thought that must have went into creating them so they would continue to multiply all by themselves.  I know that He is excited every time a baby is conceived or a field is planted, or an eaglet leaves the nest for the first time. 

God is so awesome that no human being can lay eyes on Him and live!  Yet, we take Him for granted and don't bother to speak reverently when we use His name.  We hurry through our prayers and forget to say thank you when He does answer them.  God is in charge of life and death and creation and destruction.  I exhort you to never forget who God is, and think about it very carefully next time you use His name or hurt someone or something that God loves.  If you knew someone who held the power of the universe in His hands, wouldn't you want Him to be on your side?   

John 1:10  "He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him."

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