Thursday, January 5, 2012

"The Glue That Holds Us Together"

By:  Theresa Blume

Lately I've been watching the show, "Through the Wormhole" on TV.  At first I thought it was about worms, but now I know it is about scientific discoveries and I'm fascinated.  How I wish I would have been interested in science when I was a child!  Now I love learning, even though I can't say I understand everything they are talking about. 

Last night they were trying to figure out what humans were made of.  It's actually only a few particles when it comes down to it, but it's very complicated the way the particles work.  In the end, they almost got it figured out, except for the last thing-they can't figure out what holds the particles together.

It hit me that they are looking for the glue that holds us together.  It made me think of the big flocks of birds that fly in all directions all at once, or the schools of fish that all go in the same direction at once, and can turn in an instant, all in the same direction.  How does each one know which direction the rest are going to go? 

Scientists might find the thing that actually causes this phenomenon someday and give it a scientific name, but I already know what it is.  It is the awesome perfect power of God that holds me and you together.  It's the same stuff that brings certain people together to become lifelong friends, or an adopted child to fit perfectly into a family who needs them, or a man and woman who meet and marry for life.  We can't re-create this stuff! 

The curiosity in me has learned that it's OK if we don't know all the answers.  As long as we know the One who gave us the questions.  I can learn all I can on earth, but until I see the face of God in heaven, I will never comprehend every universal mystery.  We are made in the image of the Creator, so we are pretty smart.  We are even given a little bit of God inside us, so we can do exceptional things, and He has told us how to live on this earth and how to prepare for our next journey.  So we can look at ourselves and see the particles and the chemistry and the science, but the final finish is for Him to know.  He knows what kind of glue He used, and why He used it and how He used it.  He knows why the fish go in the same direction and why the birds fly south, and why the sun shines every morning. 

No matter what we want to call it, I think we need to remember, just because we discovered it doesn't mean we can call it ours.  God is the glue that holds us and our world together.  Let's give credit to the real Scientist!

Proverbs 1:7  "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction."

1 comment:

  1. I have lost this comment several times now, so I will abbreviate it and send it.
    I have been hearing some of the same theories as you did on that "wormhole" program. Funny thing, one of the subatomic particles that holds the parts of the atom together is called a "gluon".
    HA HA! On a more serious note, God has given man the curious nature and ability to attempt to figure out His mysterious world. Amazing how long it has taken and how little we really do know. I am always amazed that there are people who can persist in these investigations until they (hopefully) get their answer. I read about these things and my head is swimming. I pray that when we get to Heaven,God will sit us down and give a very simple explanation for this very complicated life.
