Thursday, January 12, 2012


By Theresa Blume

I've often wondered why did God created us the way He did.  Being God, He could have made us simple, like robots, with no maintenance.  But He created us with the need to eat, drink, and go to the bathroom on a daily basis.  We have to get a certain amount of sleep and re-evaluate our needs every single day, sometimes a few times a day.  If we are not in balance, it affects our life, so we have to pay some attention to these things, whether we like it or not.

God in His infinite wisdom and perfect plan, wants us to stop whatever we're doing every once in a while during the day to address our physical needs.  We might get away with not eating or drinking for a while, but there's no way we can go without sleep or having to go to the bathroom. Why would almighty God make us this way?

I think He wants us to realize that we must be rejuvenated, dispose of waste, and refuel several times a day, so that we never forget that we are human beings who depend on God.  Taking time for ourselves gives us the chance to ask WHO gives us fuel, HOW we are rejuvenated in Spirit, and WHAT happened to get rid of the sin that is in us. 

Just like our physical bodies, our spirit needs rejuvenated by resting and praying, and refueled with the message of the gospel, and our sins are disposed of by Jesus.  If we don't take time to address our spiritual needs, we will be out of balance and our lives will be just as greatly affected as when our physical bodies are messed up.

I have a good friend who is an alcoholic, and she has shared with me the importance of reaffirming her daily resolution to not drink.  She goes to AA meetings at least once a week, and continues to turn to the support of her sponsor as needed.  People with addictions and behavior problems such as anger, depression, or anything else must realize that they also need daily maintenance to prevent a full-blown problems.  Just as alcoholics understand that there is a power greater than themselves, anyone with addictions and behavior problems needs to realize that they are being controlled by something evil.  And you can't fight evil with human weapons.  You can ask God to protect you from being attacked, and He will go to war for  you.
For instance, it's common for someone who beats their spouse to promise it will never happen again, with every intention of that being true.  But the problem is they think they can stop it themselves.  They don't realize that the monster inside is not a human problem, but an evil attack of spiritual destruction.  They need to call on God to deliver them of the waste and sin that constipates their lives and their loved ones.  If they don't get rid of the monster inside, it will still be there, waiting for the next time.

I love the verse in Ephesians that reminds us to put on the Armor of God, and I believe we need to do this daily.  It reminds us that we are saved, and the truth will set us free, and we are righteous, and need to be protected by the arrows of hurtful words said to us in the past.  Those arrows were poisoned with the stuff that now comes out of us and are used to hurt others.  We can't remove them our self.  We need God to deliver us, thus preventing further damage. 

Once the enemy knows your weak places, he will come back and hit that same spot over and over.  That's what your shield of faith is for- protecting you from believing that you can't change.  Once you are free, believe the truth, and come back to God daily, putting your armor on all over again.  I suggest doing it the first thing in the morning before getting out of bed.

Just like you have to get dressed in clothes every day, you can dress your spirit in the Armor of God every day too!

Ephesians 6:11 
"Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." 
(Read the entire chapter 6 for more detailed information and instructions)

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