Friday, March 30, 2012


By Theresa Blume

Lately I've been hearing a lot about the end of times, and according to some sources, this is the year, and some people even say a certain day.  There are people making underground shelters and some people are even cashing in on the fears of others by offering food that lasts basically forever, and other such things. 

Every generation that has lived since Jesus believed that they were the last generation to see earth survive.  The early disciples were convinced that they would see Jesus come back in their lifetime.  But one thing we all forget is that God's timing does not go according to our human calendars and clocks, especially daylight savings time!  (Don't get me started on that one.)

There is one verse in the Bible concerning the end times that we need to understand and take seriously:
Jesus said this: "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only."..............Matthew 24:36
So if anyone claims to know the day of world's end, they are claiming to know more than the angels in heaven! 

God has a timeline for everything on earth.  Some things last longer than other things, (Put me in a plastic water bottle and I will last forever!)  but the reality is that every living thing is destined to die eventually.  The day we are born, is the youngest we will ever be, and one day closer to death.  So why shouldn't this world eventually come to an end and make room for a  whole new project?  I would much rather be part of the new project God has in mind!

We are told in the Bible to be aware of the signs and watch, and how to prepare for eternal life, but it does not tell us that we should be digging holes in the ground, and making shelters or buying food that lasts for  years.  I would think it would be wiser to appreciate each day I've been given on this earth, and work to prepare my soul for eternal life rather than try to cling to life underground somewhere.  Truthfully, when the sun and moon give up their positions, and whatever else happens, I don't think I want to be anywhere on earth, or underneath it!  I would much rather be safe and secure in the heavenly mansion that Jesus has gone ahead and prepared for me. 

If you are worried and anxious about tomorrow or any other day in this year, or any other year, change  your focus from the future fears, to your current blessings.  We are only promised today anyway!  Read the Bible and learn how to follow Jesus and listen to God and find peace in your heart that only He can give.  Turn off the news if it bothers you and realize that TV only shows you what they want you to see.  Don't watch, listen, read, or think of things to come because you don't know what is going to happen anymore than the weatherman!

Suppose you did think this was your last year for whatever reason?  How would you live differently?  Maybe you should be showing more love, giving more charity, doing more volunteering, and handing out more smiles rather than being anxious and irritated and fearful.  Instead of spending your money on a hole in the ground, buy a hungry family a meal, warm clothes, or a car or whatever else you would spend trying to outlast the world's end.

I saw a guy who has spent MILLIONS making the best shelter in the world as his life's work.  He is taking certain investors with him so they will all be safe.  Sounds like they are re-creating their own hell for themselves!  I hate to tell him, but he is going to die when God chooses, and a shelter won't prevent him from an aneurysm, or a heart attack, or getting hit on the street next to the hardware store!  I can't think of any group I would not want to spend the rest of my life with, as the selfish people who are excluding the poor out.  Sounds like the Titanic all over again!       

I know my words are a drop in a bucket to the spreading worldwide panic, and they may not reach many people.  But if you read this, maybe at least one person will resolve to live a better LIFE today and stop worrying about tomorrow.

"Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming."
Matthew 25:13

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